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To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: Permatex
From: william sadler <>
Date: Mon, 4 May 1992 10:52:06 -0500
Saturday I stayed home instead of going sailing and worked on
my car.  I took off the distributor and tore it apart then put
everything back together again.  The only problem was that 
I needed a gasket for the lower half of the distributor housing
where it mates with the engine block.  I tried using the old one
but it leaked.  So I went to the store and bought some Permatex.
Put it on on bolted it up.  It lasted about 4 minutes, then gradually
all dissolved.  I thought that maybe I had to let it dry for a longer
period of time, so I re-did the job then left it for several hours.

Again, same thing happened.  The stuff is rated for 400 degrees.  Could
the hot oil being pumped through there be more than 400 degrees?  Or
is the Permatex just not good for gaskets despite the label?

BTW, the car runs _much_ better now.  I was pinging a lot going up hills,
but I put in some 92 octane gas and that went away.  Now to get that
windshield replaced, then the seats, then the bumpers, then the ...


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