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Hey Gang, WHat is this really, and is anyone interested?

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: Hey Gang, WHat is this really, and is anyone interested?
Date: Sat, 16 May 1992 01:08 CST
I happened across an auction handbill today and the topmost, headline
type photo and text was of the following:

1964 1/2 MG Midget Mark II.  This auto has both soft and hard tops and
has been a show winner, would grade 1 to 2.  Believed to be the number 3 
production car with roll down windows.

The accompanying photo showed a soft-top midget with the mirrors on the
wings (fenders?) and knock-off wire rims.  Is this soething anyone might
be interested in?  I could go look at it, etc.  I could even arrange
for it to be delivered if anyone was really, really interested.  I would
have to drive it where ever it was going, of course.  ;^)

What might a good price be on a car such as this?  Considering, of course
the premise that auctions often get carried away with themselves.       

This car is going to be sold Tuesday, 5-19-92, so if there is any interest, 
callme real soon.  

Arlie Hart
Here in the Heart of Wichita, Kansas

(and Toto, too.....

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