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Re: trailers (was: '56 Land Rover)

To: (SOL list)
Subject: Re: trailers (was: '56 Land Rover)
From: (T.J. Higgins)
Date: Fri, 29 May 92 10:07:28 CDT
> The thought of towing a LBC with a [M/B]BC vehicle sounds tempting, and
> exciting. I surely would not tow an American s##t box with a classic,
> besides that could be construed as a contridiction in terms. At the very
> least it would definitely be a conversation piece.

An eccentric friend has a small utility trailer that he often pulls
with his MG BGT.  He keeps threatening to sell the trailer and go
find a wrecked Japanese pickup in a junkyard, cut the bed off and
make a trailer out of it.  One of his goals in life seems to be to
drive from Alabama to a John Twist party in Michigan in the BGT
pulling a trailer with "Nissan" or "Toyota" in large letters on the 
T.J. Higgins | | Intergraph Mapping Sciences | Huntsville, AL
"I value little my own opinions, but value just as little those of others."
                                                                -- Montaigne

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