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<< 1977 MGB (not 1975!!) parts for sale >>

Subject: << 1977 MGB (not 1975!!) parts for sale >>
From: George Tews <>
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 93 10:47:57 CDT
I apologize.....I made a mistake.  For some reason I thought the parts were
from a 1975, but I just checked the 4 xerox boxes full of parts, and they
are all labeled 1977 (now I remember my shock when looking at the title before
the junk yard tow truck came to get what was left).

Here is the corrected ad now...

Hi there.  Six months ago I stripped everything I could easily remove
from a '77 MGB before a junk yard came and hauled away the frame/body.
So I have alot of stuff to sell to anyone interested. Of interest
may be both bumpers, which are in nearly perfect condition.  All that
was left on the car was the short block, tranny/differential and the 
badly rusted body panels (not salvagable).  If you need anything, 
please send me a detailed description via email, or via US mail (a
picture would definitely help, since I never owned was my
sisters, and she got it in the divorce settlement...not running).

I have both seats (brown) too, and they are in pretty good condition.

Have a good weekend (and sorry about the errored ad).


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