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Re: engine rebuild

Subject: Re: engine rebuild
From: (Flemming Larsen)
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 93 23:21:27 -0700 (Philip J Ethier) writes:

>   I think we are talking about a 1275cc A-block for a Midget

>>  I just talked to the machinist who's doing my engine, and he said the
>>  crankshaft
>>  didn't match. Now, what does he mean? The casting numbers don't match
>>  perhaps?
>>  The cyl. head # is 12G1316
>>  block # 12G1279
>>  crankshaft # 12G1321
>>  engine # 12V6712L14857

I just disassembled the engine in my Lotus Seven to check the numbers for you.
Now, I have not owned this engine since it's birth, so I cannot guarantee that
these parts are original, but I have no reason to believe that they are not.

engine #: 12V/587Z/L7121
block #:  12G1279
head #:   12G1316
crank #:  12G1321

And, yes, we are definitely talking about a 1275cc A-block.

Here are some more numbers:

Engine      Capacity   Year(s)     Sprite      Midget       Note
9C/U/H      948cc      1958-61     Mk I                     Bugeye Sprite
9CG/Da/H    948cc      1961-62     Mk II       Mk I
10CG/Da/H   1098cc     1963-64     Mk II       Mk I
10CC/Da/H   1098cc     1965-66     Mk III      Mk II
12CC/Da/H   1275cc     1967        Mk IV       Mk III
12CD/Da/H   1275cc     1968        Mk IV       Mk III
12CE/Da/H   1275cc     1969        MK IV       Mk III
12CJ/Da/H   1275cc     1970-71     Mk III
12V/586Z/L  1275cc     1971-72     Mk III                   UK Market?
12V/587Z/L  1275cc     1971-72     Mk III                   US Market Only?
12V/671Z/L  1275cc     1973-74     Mk III

Hope this helps.

Now, how does engine go back together again?

Flemming, "It's all the same to an American Dane", Larsen
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