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Miscellaneous ruminations

Subject: Miscellaneous ruminations
From: (Gregory Petrolati)
Date: Wed, 18 May 1994 08:16:56 -0500

        I just had a chance to catch up on the last 3 days of B-C.
        Apparently the PRAIRIENET system swallowed a valve over the
        weekend and I got a bit behind... (Sigh... I felt S-O-O-O
        out of touch).

        Re: Bill Sohl's note on Fraser's comments (5/13) about British
        Cars in general... Remember Bill, good, or bad any press is
        STILL press (by the by 'got permission to send you my restorat-
        ion story so look for it when they send me the photos and

        Re: Kevin Burtch and Autozone... Just ask them to get you Bosch
        Platinums for a TR4... The AZ around here seems to be manned
        by empty brained mouth-breathers.

        Re: Mr. Mike, regarding new rear ends for TR4s. A couple years
        back I bought a Detroit Locker from Dennis Wilson (Tr6 racer
        of some fame) It came replete with a 4-1 Rear. The Higher RPMS
        made it great for autoxing, but terrible for cruising... I added
        an O.D. which helped a lot for the long drives. I got used to
        driving with the the rev counter too which was no great chore.
        I never attempted to regear the speedo hoever Nissonger's re-
        built the beast for me and will probably be able to help you.
        I'm not sure about the address but I think they are in MASS.
        Good luck!

                        Greg "It only hurts when I Pay" Petrolati

        "Three Breaks for tea and home before dark!"

    Greg Petrolati       
        1962 TR4

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