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Clutch, tranny, questions, etc.

Subject: Clutch, tranny, questions, etc.
From: (Robert Jones)
Date: Sun, 22 May 94 22:03:35 EDT
Well, the engine is out and it certainly was the throwout "release" bearing. 
It is no more, all that is left is a bunch of little chunks and dust.
What could cause this?  The pressure plate looked almost new.  I'd rather
not replace it and have it happen again in a thousand miles.

On another note, I seem to be missing some parts of the tranny mounting 
gear, specifically any sort of longitudinal rod.  This is a '74 MGB.
I am having trouble figuring out what is supposed to be there.  My
V-B catalog shows two set-ups one for '62-67 and one for '74-80.
It looks like I have the crossmember for the earlier one, but I don't
know what else is supposed to be there.  The engine in my car is from
a '72 MGB-GT (although it is really from a '69 something) so the tranny
could be from either '69, 72, or 74, or something else entirely.
Any light anyone could shed on this would be greatly appreciated.
I think this is why my radiator was toasted last fall by the fan. 
Anyone got a spare radiator they'd like to get rid of?  The spare one
I used last fall needs a new core.

On a related note, my speedometer is off by about 20 % high.  I believe
this is because the plastic gear in the tranny is a different one than
what I believe a '74 should have (It is different than what I pulled
from my '75 and from the spare tranny that came with the car that I aassume
is the tranny that came with the car from the factory.)  What would you
suggest to rectify the situation? Get a speedo from a different year?  
Somehow change the gear (I really don't want to open up the tranny and you
can't just switch the drive.)  How can I tell what year my tranny really
is?  I'm guessing '69 to go with the engine, but that is just a guess.
I may be looking to trade a '72, '74, or '75 speedo (I've got all three)
for a '69 if it looks like switching would solve my problems.

As usual thanks for your help,

Bob "Who has just missed the nicest roadster whether we've seen in the 
5 years I've lived here" Jones

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