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More on Motorhead, Ltd Prices

Subject: More on Motorhead, Ltd Prices
From: (Kristina Ament)
Date: Sat, 25 Jun 1994 19:33:53 -0700 (PDT)
I'm a little behind on reading the list so this is a few days late.  I 
saw some of the discussion involving Motorhead, and in particular the 
view that its parts prices are high.  I have used Motorhead 
extensively  for service on my Sunbeam Alpine, but not for parts, because 
they don't carry Sunbeam.  I have, however, seen signs posted around the 
parts room that indicate that Motorhead will match any other catelog 
price on any part of similar quality.  It also offers a substantial 
restoration discount.  You simply make an up front payment of a certain 
amount, and you receive that amount plus some bonus in parts.  For those 
who deal with Motorhead only through the mail, you should realize that it 
is not just a small garage with a room full of parts.  Its part museum 
(several Morgans in various states of restorate are in the showroom and 
old advertising for virtually every british sports car made hangs on the 
walls), part hang-out (there's usually a few beers in the frig), and 
full-time support for about 13 people, including 
several of the most helpful and understanding mechanics I've ever come 
across.  Even if you aren't willing to pay a little more to support a 
British Car treasure, you may as well give it try if they're going to match 
your best price anyway.  Steve Semeraro (using friend's account)

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