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American Alternator for MGB

Subject: American Alternator for MGB
From: "" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 10:26:48 -0500 (EST)
Glenn Mapes asked if an American alternator can be adapted to an MGB.
I have installed a Bosch alternator from a Ford Fiesta in my MGB.  
Actually, it's a Bosch look-alike.  I got it from BAP-GEON for a Ford 
Fiesta and the mounting points are identical to a Lucas alternator.  
There are, however, two items which may need adaptation: the wiring 
connector and the pulley.  The wiring connector is readily available from 
any MGB mail order house.  I use Seven Enterprises in Newport News.

        The pulley can be adapted from an American press-on.  Just go to 
an alternator repair shop and mix/match until you come up with one that 

Charles E. Edwards, CPA
Virginia Beach, VA

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