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Re: SCA?

Subject: Re: SCA?
From: "Curt Onstott" <fungus@CSOS.ORST.EDU>
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 20:31:43 +0000
The best way to remove bumper stickers is to soften the glue with a 
hair dryer or heat gun and then peel as much of the sticker off as 
you can.  When all of the sticker is gone, clean off the glue residue 
with laquer thinner.  In real stubborn cases scrape them off with a 
razor blade.
-Curt Onstott      '70 MG Midget
 Don't anthropomorphize    /  _______  \
 British Cars.  It        / /  /| ||\\\ \
 upsets them.            / //\//| || \\\ \
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