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HELP!!! Need oil pressure line

Subject: HELP!!! Need oil pressure line
From: Dan Neuman <>
Date: Sat, 18 Dec 1999 18:01:31 -0800
Hello ALl,
        Well Stephan Irene and I working toghether managed to install my 
new engine.  I do not know how someone could do it by themselves!!! It took the 
three of us to tilt wiggle slant that engine in and to get those  #@!%*&! engine
mounts to line up..
        Anyways, I aam almost done reinstalling stuff and I noticed!!! The 
new engine does not have a engine block to firewall flexible oil line for the 
oil pressure gauge!!!!  And I let Stephan take off with the old one!!!  
DAmn so close and yet so far!!!  
        I can go over Stephans place and get it but its like an hour drive 
by motorcycle and its awfully cold...But I will do it if I have to..
Could someone who lives a little closer to me Mike, Lee Fred etc who is going 
the Badroc run tomorrow please get it from Stephan and then I could pick it up
at your place later that day???  I have a pre-existing commitment that day but
should be home free by around 3pm.
        I really really really want to try to start the engine Sun...

        Or, someone tell me this is a common part that I can pick up for 5 
bucks down at the Kragen on the corner???
        Or, does someone (local) have a spare that I could buy sell trade for.
I plan on trying to start the engine later Sunday afternoon so if anybody wants 
to come by to witness the fireworks/lend a hand be my guest!!
                Daniel 69 2000
                SF CA

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