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Re: Heads

To: "Noel Finden" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Heads
From: "Mike Kerr" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 12:23:41 -0800
they had at least four different casting from what I have seen .  the last
run of heads the casting was quite different from the rest...   that is why
I thought there might be a difference in virgin head thickness...   More
important than over all head thickness is how much thickness was left on the
bottom of the head when it was first machined at the factory can tell
this by looking at the lip at the bottom of the head...  On the 2L heads
most are about the same when new from what i have seen in my 30 years of
travels with roadsters
but the 1600 heads some of them had a lot more taken off the bottom from the
factory as the lower lip was thinner than the top lip...

Mike Kerr
Restoration Products
3730 todrob Ln.
Placerville, CA 95667
Ph# 530-644-6777
Fax# 530-644-6777
-----Original Message-----
From: Noel Finden <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, March 19, 2000 2:22 PM
Subject: Heads

>I don't want to buy into what is the correct thickness of a U20 head, but
>from the discussion there appears that there might be two different
>"Urban myth" has it that the later heads were different.
>Recently one of our people who does work on roadsters commented that the
>last couple of heads he worked on were different, and they came from '70
>model cars.  He said they looked like "Monday" heads.  That is the
>machining wasn't as good, there were more dags from the casting, ports
>seemed smaller, etc, etc.
>So is it possible Nissan had two different castings (much like they did
>with the L-series)?
>Noel Finden
>'70 2000

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