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RE: Electric pumps (was: blanking plates)

To: "John F Sandhoff" <>,
Subject: RE: Electric pumps (was: blanking plates)
From: "Gordon Glasgow" <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 21:48:07 -0700
If your car tends to sit for months (like some up here in the NW), an
electric pump is just the thing for priming the carbs after a long nap.

Gordon Glasgow
Renton, WA

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of John F
> Sandhoff
> Sent: Monday, June 12, 2006 2:53 PM
> To: oliver
> Cc:
> Subject: Electric pumps (was: blanking plates)
> > i am thinking about switching to an electic fuel pump on my
> early 67 low
> > windshield 1600, which is what started the discussion
> If I might ask, why?
> Unless your fuel needs have substantially increased (nitrous?),
> the mechanical pump has adequate flow. It's reliable, safe, doesn't
> make noise, doesn't require replacing chunks of steel line with bits
> of rubber hose, doesn't require wiring mods (everyone running electric
> does have inertia (crash) switches, right???), you have a chance at
> push-starting with a really weak battery....
> Several cars sport electric pumps, but I personally don't see the
> advantage, unless it's part of a theft-deterrent system.
> My opinion. Yours will probably differ :-)
> -- John
>      John F Sandhoff   Sacramento, CA

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