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Re: [Fot] My favorite memory of Jack...

To: <>
Subject: Re: [Fot] My favorite memory of Jack...
From: "Henry Frye" <>
Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2008 10:15:07 -0400
As I remember it, (always a shaky thing to count on) both Jack's car and
the Thunderbolt suffered from improperly installed liners at that race.
I remember walking up to a large crowd of gawkers around the Thunderbolt
as Jack had the biggest pair of ChannelLock pliers I have ever seen in
his hands. He had those pliers clamped around a liner that was pulled
out of the block a few inches and was turning it to the proper
orientation. While there were many of us shaking our heads in disbelief,
that is the sight I remember. While I saw those ChannelLocks and
immediately went out a bought a pair, I promise I have never used them
to turn a liner in a built engine.

Then, when his car suffered the broken valve for the same problem, he
chose to grind the relief in the correct place, leaving his liner seated
in the block. An all-nighter was held at Larry's place, I remember some
great hospitality from Larry's wife as a crowd of Triumph guys descended
upon her house.

But weekends like these are not the way I choose to remember uncle jack.
I'll remember all those great weekends where we ran hard and I put my
car away wet. 

Jack would never put his car away wet...

Henry Frye
Triumph Technology Consultants
860.653.3118 (o) - 860.508.3118 (m) 

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> Subject: Re: [Fot] My favorite memory of Jack...
> I think Jack was 
> working on our Thunder Bolt (not his car, and it certainly 
> was not his mistake).  The two and three liners were in 
> wrong.  J K Jackson pointed it out, and Jack Drews led an 
> effort to make 'at track' corrections.  It was an 
> ill-advised, albeit enthusiastic effort, (the figure eight 
> gaskets got compromised).  Kas couldn't bear to watch, and 
> left the area with a grin on his face.  We had a ton of 
> kibitzers, and Jack was getting far more help and advise than 
> he needed.  I've got some great pictures of Jack working to 
> first get the liners out (enough to turn them), and then to 
> get them back in.  We were using a really big hammer.  Can't 
> remember why we needed Larry's head, but we did, and I 
> returned it to Jack after I got back home.  We actually got 
> the car running, but the oil looked like a light chocolate 
> milk shake.  We had plans to change the oil and run it a 
> BARBER the following week end, but decided that was a bad idea.)

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