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Re: Geex for Dummies

To: Wally Strzelec <>
Subject: Re: Geex for Dummies
From: Mark Sirota <>
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 13:00:26 -0500
Wally Strzelec wrote:
> When you look at two runs, what kind of things do you look for when
> deciding which run is better?

I didn't get a whole lot of runs before the season ended up here, but
I found it helpful to look at section times.

Using left-right transitions through the zero point, mark off sections
of a run (say, from that first left hander to the beginning of the
slalom) and see how long it was (using the Stopwatch) for each run.
Then you can see if you or your co-driver was faster through those

Once you identify where you were slower, zoom in on those sections and
figure out why.  Did you get on the throttle later?  Did you brake too
late?  Correlate those impressions with your memory of the runs.

Then, look for trends.  Do you consistently get on the power later?
Do you consistently brake softer, harder, later, earlier?  Do you
double-turn?  You need to find these trends over several runs in order
to turn the information into a change in driving habits.

That's my approach.  I'm certainly a Geez! newbie, too.  I think we all


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