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RE: starting problem

To: "Bill Pollock" <wjpollock@erols.com>, "list"
Subject: RE: starting problem
From: "tom felts" <tomfelts@earthlink.net>
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2004 07:40:53 -0400
Bad ground.

> [Original Message]
> From: Bill Pollock <wjpollock@erols.com>
> To: list <healeys@autox.team.net>
> Date: 6/8/04 7:32:55 PM
> Subject: starting problem
> Any ideas on this electrical problem.
> After cranking the car  twice last night  for about 30 seconds each 
> time, attempting to start, the solenoid now just clicks and as it 
> clicks  all the electrics go out.  The gas gauage goes to empty,the 
> headlights go off and there isnt any power anywhere.   This started last 
> winter,I had the starter rebuilt and installed a new solenoid.  After 
> installing these two items the problem would  occassionally happened,but 
> eventfully the car would again turn over and start.  
> Today I charged the battery  for about 6 hours,it hasnt helped the 
> problem.  With the key on,when you hit the starter button,a click of the 
> solenoid and everything is dead.  
> The shut off switch in the truck is out of the circuit as I am waiting 
> for a new one.
> Any ideas or suggestions.  
> Bill Pollock

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