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Re: Overdrive

To: RAntal243@aol.com, enginem@comcast.net, dnewton@nappco.com,
Subject: Re: Overdrive
From: Jwhlyadv@aol.com
Date: Sat, 9 Jul 2005 12:14:57 EDT
In my case I found that by overextending the solenoid plunger a millimeter or 
two (that small a difference) it would never work. The theory was that car 
vibration or bumps would bring the plunger back into magnetic range so 
it worked.

I had the cover off the transmission and the only time I could duplicate a 
solenoid not working was by just slightly extending the solenoid plunger so 
it came out of magnetic range. And I had tried several solenoids borrowed 
from other cars where we knew they worked.

The BJ8 shop manual I have on hand does not show a rubber bumper but it is 
the same setup as a BN4, only the later style has a cover over the plunger and 
arm assembly.  I have seen BJ8 transmissions with a screw run up through the 
bottom to act as a stop. Not really sure what was there originally.

When I finally diagnosed my problem some 8 years ago many of the listers 
tried the same fix and reported success.

Jim Werner

 RAntal243 writes:
Hey Jim,
     Could this same problem occur with the BJ8 Transmission/overdrive. I've 
had exactly that intermittent failure that has eluded diagnosis for years.
Rich Antal


Jim Werner
Louisville, KY

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