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Re: [Healeys] Comment for what it is worth

To: WILLIAM B LAWRENCE <ynotink@msn.com>
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Comment for what it is worth
From: Bob Spidell <bspidell@comcast.net>
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2008 22:52:45 -0700

Your point is valid, IMO (though a bit hair-splitting).

And the counterattack on Jim was right out of the Karl Rove/RNC/Swift 
Boat handbook.  I hope I live long enough to witness the demise of both 
(DNC/RNC dirty tricks books).

I kinda started this thread, so I'll try to put it to bed.  With only a 
couple exceptions, the comments have been heartfelt and considered (and 
yes, emotional).  And the tone has been mostly intelligent and 
respectful, something you don't see a lot in our daily political 
discourse.  I think we've all agreed to disagree, and concentrate on our 
common interest: Healeys.

History has judged FDR, Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy; someday, the 
Clintons and Bushes will get their turns.

Boy, can't wait until NEXT Friday ;)


> Let me dissent from your comment on one point. I agree that the 
> initial message was a mildly amusing story with a right slant. The 
> rejoinder was not in kind. It was not amusing, it was not even meant 
> to be. It was a pure political attack directly from the DNC handbook 
> with no intellectual input required. I don't mind political humor even 
> when it is aimed at my beliefs, but I can't ignore slander even if it 
> is the conventional wisdom.
> Bill Lawrence

Bob Spidell         San Jose, CA        bspidell@comcast.net
'67 Austin-Healey 3000             '56 Austin-Healey 100M
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