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Re: [Healeys] Drive Away Cancer-New Route

To: ATIGHTPROD@aol.com, healeys@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Drive Away Cancer-New Route
From: Alan Seigrist <healey.nut@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2011 08:13:49 +0800
Stephen -

If his car is using a lot of oil and the oil pressure is low,  the
first place to look is to make sure the oil feed banjo bolt on the
valve rocker assembly has not come loose.

Please let him know to double check,  I wish him well.


On 8/16/11, ATIGHTPROD@aol.com <ATIGHTPROD@aol.com> wrote:
> Talk about a long link, thanks for the tiny url. Anyway, here's the latest
> update on the route John is going to take to return to the west coast. He
> has  left South Carolina and is on his way. When he will be where is
> anybody's guess,  but for now, this is the route he is going to take. I will
> try and
> update as  often as possible as to his progress and needs along the way.
> Thank you all for  following this journey and I know I for one, can't wait
> to
> hear the stories John  has gathered on this journey.
>     Maybe folks will just leave quarts of oil on the  side of the roads as
> John makes his way.
> _http://www.google.com/maps?saddr=Columbia%2C+SC&daddr=33.74645%2C-84.42994+
> to%3A37.67948%2C-97.29854+to%3A37.63141
> 07065+to%3A38.89821%2C-111.65603+to%3A38.95214%2C-119.94957+to%3ASacramento%
> 2C+CA&hl=en&ll=33.211116%2C-96.152344&spn=55.162255%2C66.09375&sll=34.143635
> %2C-86.176758&sspn=13.96418%2C16.523437&geocode=FUbPBgIdwoEr-ynj0TF5aaX4iDGW
> -nmz9Ago8w%3BFRLuAgIdjLP3-imbSm1wTwP1iDHyardUH0nfzA%3BFXjxPgIdlFcz-ilXeX3ub-
> O6hzGGBNjiRGbxoQ%3BFbI1PgIdDFod-inxcxd_XbOlhzGhV5S4UL5z4g%3BFSo7QwIdQFX9-Sn7
> COFWtu8JhzHIFkiFtqQZVA%3BFVIvRQId9E3i-SlTZkTHmiUMhzEeSxccPleH4A%3BFaiuRwIdEN
> jD-Sk76n7wI6MThzH1uZrW1caguQ%3BFS4NTwIdBvmO-Sk5WwyzQk1HhzEcVayexYEJyQ%3BFSKK
> UQIdokNY-SljbDfQ4JdLhzHJfN8-Bm3Qag%3BFcxcUgId_rbZ-Cl5Fklgc5CZgDERj1d1ZwG1ug%
> 3BFUS1TAIdgCTC-Cn5l4OycsaagDHbfxl0qmofkg&mra=dvme&mrsp=1&sz=6&via=1%2C2%2C3%
> 2C4%2C5%2C6%2C7%2C8%2C9&z=4_
> 049,-100.83808+to:38.08853,-102.60942+to:38.2522,-104.60568+to:38.73515,-108
> .07065+to:38.89821,-111.65603+to:38.95214,-119.94957+to:Sacramento,+CA&hl=en
> &ll=33.211116,-96.152344&spn=55.162255,66.09375&sll=34.143635,-86.176758&ssp
> n=13.96418,16.523437&geocode=FUbPBgIdwoEr-ynj0TF5aaX4iDGW-nmz9Ago8w;FRLuAgId
> jLP3-imbSm1wTwP1iDHyardUH0nfzA;FXjxPgIdlFcz-ilXeX3ub-O6hzGGBNjiRGbxoQ;FbI1Pg
> IdDFod-inxcxd_XbOlhzGhV5S4UL5z4g;FSo7QwIdQFX9-Sn7COFWtu8JhzHIFkiFtqQZVA;FVIv
> RQId9E3i-SlTZkTHmiUMhzEeSxccPleH4A;FaiuRwIdENjD-Sk76n7wI6MThzH1uZrW1caguQ;FS
> 4NTwIdBvmO-Sk5WwyzQk1HhzEcVayexYEJyQ;FSKKUQIdokNY-SljbDfQ4JdLhzHJfN8-Bm3Qag;
> FcxcUgId_rbZ-Cl5Fklgc5CZgDERj1d1ZwG1ug;FUS1TAIdgCTC-Cn5l4OycsaagDHbfxl0qmofk
> g&mra=dvme&mrsp=1&sz=6&via=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&z=4)
> _http://tinyurl.com/3gyl5al_ (http://tinyurl.com/3gyl5al)
> Steven Kingsbury
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