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Third Installation

To: "MGB Newsgroup" <>
Subject: Third Installation
From: "Bruce" <>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 16:10:52 -0800
Reply-to: "Bruce" <>
It fits.
The Rover 3.5 finally fits into my MGB engine bay with clearances for
headers, tranny tunnel etc. I seem to have a slight problem with the oil
adapter plated (for the remote oil filter re-location unit) it is just
hitting on the rack and a bolt on the rack. Hopefully a little more filing
and that too will be solved, the engine could come up just a bit on the
drivers side to be dead level, so maybe that will help. How much will this
engine move while it is running (from side to side). Now onto getting the
engine bay ready for paint, fit the tranny cross member, fuel pump, lines
etc. etc etc. But at the moment I feel as if it will all come together.

Thanks all.


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