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Re: Choice of fuel

Subject: Re: Choice of fuel
From: (Mark Jurras)
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 1995 13:30:00 -0400
> From: "David M Culgan"  <>
> The one thing I remember most about my dad and his '57 MGA (1500), throughout 
> the '60's, was that he always insisted that it was fueled with Amoco's 
> grade, which today would be 93 octane. Besides the high octane, it gave me 
> impression that something was different about this brand gasoline, the term 
> "white" comes to mind. And today although I'm cheap when it comes to buying  
> lot of parts for my MG's, that's one thing I insist on too, maybe I'm just 
> superstitious.

Someone correct me but wasn't the term `White Gas' use to refer to unleaded in 
the 60's??

- -Mark   = =o&o

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