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Re: MGB Overdrive Question

Subject: Re: MGB Overdrive Question
From: (W. J. Richard Criswell)
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 1995 19:32:57
>I've got a friend here in Minnesota that has 5 od's for sale at $400 each.
> he has 2 old style and 3 new style.  Let me know if you're interested.

Thanks for the information. I don't know where you got the idea that I'm in the 
market for O/D 
Transmissions. I have all I need right now. I'm CC-ing this to the MG list. I 
know that someone out 
there will be interested. Just as I know I'll regret not grabbing them up for 
future cotingencies.

Dick :>)
Have MG will travel

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