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re: top down in the cold

Subject: re: top down in the cold
Date: Sat, 2 Mar 1996 09:26:32 -0600
At 08:05 AM 3/2/96 -0700, you wrote:
>>>Not only did I have a blast, only
>>>get mildly frostbitten around the ears,...
>>I concur on this 100%.  My best such top-down in bad weather jaunt was in me
>>Mog actually (67 4/4) in a pretty heavy summer rain (okay, it *was* about 80
>>degrees so my ears didn't frostbite).  ...
>        OK you weenies, listen up and listen good.  I'm only going to tell
>this story once.  (don't you wish?)
>(snip, snip)
>       Any one got a better winter MG story?  Let's hear 'em.
>Michael MacLeod    From Alberta - Where the beer and the antelope freeze!!
>Not an MG story, but here goes -

My first sports car was a '57 TR3, bought in 1969 for $300, in frosty
Findlay, Ohio.  The top was a real pain to take down/put up (as it unsnapped
across the top of the windshield), so I only put it up/ took it down once
each year.

In the Spring, the top would come off (I had a full tonneau) and I would
drive the car every day to work - rain or shine.  I only got caught in the
rain a few times, and at that age (early 20's), I didn't mind.  My route to
work took me by a bank that had a large time/temperature display, and when
the temp went below 25 degrees (at 7:30am), it was time to put the top on
for the Winter.  Yes, I too got looks and stares, but it was a lot of fun
and relieved me of the up/down hassle.

Warm in Texas,

Tim in Dallas           '71 B (Daily Driver)    '55 TF (Pride and Joy)


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