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Re: To club or not to club...

Subject: Re: To club or not to club...
Date: Fri, 17 May 1996 23:16:31 -0400
You wrote:

>Seems to me that if I've devoted so much time to keeping up with 
>these e-mails every day, I ought to join an MG club...
>...question is- 1) Is it worth joining a club? 2) What are the pro's 
>and con's of various clubs 3) Fill in the blank "If I were to join 
>only one MG club, that club would be ______________"

Whoops!  you didn't say If you own an MG, or what type.

I have an MGA.  Just for reference, I belong to these clubs:

NAMGAR  (National MGA Register)
CAMGAC  (Chicago Area MGA Club)
CMGC  (Chicagoland MG Club, alias CMGBC)
QCBAC  (Quad City British Auto Club)
TSBSCO  (Tri-State British Car Owners)
BCU  (British Car Union, Chicago area)
CCSCC (Champaign County Sports Car Club)
CIR, SCCA  (Central Illinois Region, Sports Car Club of America)
SIR, SCCA  (Southern Illinois Region, " " " " )
SBR, SCCA  (South Bend Region, " " " " )
GRR, SCCA  (Great River Region, " " " " )

If I had to give up all but one, I would keep CCSCC, because I like to
autocross and rally, and they do both often, and they do it right.  I believe
my MG has long since broken the ties of bondage that kept it classed as just
a LBC, and taken its rightful place in the world as generic "sports car".  It
runs with them all and does a proud job of it!

On the other hand, it is still every bit a an MG and LBC.  If you want to
limit the choices to only British car clubs, there should two to consider.
 The national organizations like NAMGAR (National MGA Register) and NMGBR
(ditto with a B) are good at keeping you in touch with the breed across the
land through newsletters, and will try to get everybody together at least
once a year for a big bash.

But when in comes down to a regular fix for your MG addiction needs, there's
nothing like a local club to fill the need.  They usually meet at least
monthly, plus stage a host of other get together events like rallys, picnics,
car shows, tour cruises, and an occasional race day.  This list can get
pretty long depending on the club, but the important point is more frequent
activities up close and personal.  Sometimes the local club is directly
affiliated with the national organization.

So, why should you limit yourself to just one club?  I think you should at
least join one local club and a national organization.

Barney Gaylord - 1958 MGA
Naperville, Illinois 

Addicted autocrosser and road rally enthusiast.
       Have British car, will travel.

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