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Re: To club or not to club...

To: "Frank Sperling III" <>,
Subject: Re: To club or not to club...
From: Ted Weiler <>
Date: Sat, 18 May 1996 09:44:02 -0700
What part of what country are you in?  There are a number of places to check
out club home pages on the Web.  Might give you an idea of what clubs do
what to see if there is a match with your wants.  Be glad to give you
information on ours if you are out here in the great Northwest somewhere.


At 12:58 PM 5/17/96 +0000, Frank Sperling III wrote:
>Seems to me that if I've devoted so much time to keeping up with 
>these e-mails every day, I ought to join an MG club...
>...question is- 1) Is it worth joining a club? 2) What are the pro's 
>and con's of various clubs 3) Fill in the blank "If I were to join 
>only one MG club, that club would be ______________"

Edward B. (Ted) Weiler  TedWeiler@AOL.COM
Director, Volunteers NorthWest                   VNW@AOL.COM

Membership, MG Car Club NorthWest Centre     MGCCNWC@AOL.COM

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