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Re: MGB: Strange knocking sound

Subject: Re: MGB: Strange knocking sound
From: (David Deutsch)
Date: Sun, 15 Sep 1996 17:09:35 -0700
caliper and try rotating again if it now turns freely it's most likely 
the rotors if not then your back to the bearings. Good Luck, keep us 
posted and write it down and send to The MGB Driver, I understand they 
are looking for more technical articals. By the way I'm doing a 
completely off the cuff, unscientific and random questioning of MG 
owners at shows I've been attending and I'm amazed at the relatively 
small percentage of them who have any kind of club afiliation at all. 
If anyone out there is not afiliated with at least one of the National 
Clubs and hopefully a local club, you are doing yourself a big 
injustice. The info recieved from newsletters and tech support built 
into every good club is second to none. Do yourself favor and join a 
club in your area.    


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