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Re: Are we getting bored?

Subject: Re: Are we getting bored?
From: Lane Rollins <>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 1996 09:39:51 -0800
>And just how does this list get so busy on a Sunday?  Is the driving season
>over?  Got nothing else to do now?
>My take for Sunday was 99 messages, up from the usual 30 or so for a Sunday.
>Barney Gaylord --1958 MGA

Here in Portland it was absolutly beautiful on Saturday. Had the B out,
drove up into the gorge with the top down, hiked up around some of the
falls. One of the local clubs did there annual Guy Fawkes party that night.
Lots of food and beverage. Great bon fire including a couple of Guy's to
burn. Tons of fireworks. Generaly a great day,

Sunday kind of sucked.... rain off and on all day.

Cheers, Lane

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