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Re: Mail list action? (No LBC content)

Subject: Re: Mail list action? (No LBC content)
From: (Barney Gaylord)
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 18:14:10 EST
On Fri, 17 Jan 1997 14:44:04 -0500 (Eddie
Sheffield) writes:

>..... Is there any way for the messages from the list to be listed as
from in the message header? Currently (at least on my
end) the messages are listed as being from the originator and the list
address is a cc address.

This is funny in a way.  I just recently asked exactly the opposite
question of the Rally-l list.  It sparked quite a lively discussion about
the way the list mailers work.  I was used to the way the mgs list works
and was wondering why the Rally-l list was not the same.  I think the
real answer is, because that's the way the list operator likes it.

The way the mgs list is set up, you can hit  "reply to sender only" and
make response to just the originator.  Or you can hit "reply to all" and
make copies for both the originator and the list.  If you only want to
reply to the list you do a little cut and past of the addresses.

The way the Rally-l list is set up, "reply to sender" makes one response
to the list.  If you hit "reply to all" it responds to the list and sends
a copy to the list.  I think the list operation filters out the duplicate
copy.  If you want to reply only to the originator you do a little cut
and paste of the addresses.

I think it's just a matter of personal preference, although the Rally-l
setup definitely encourages all responses to go to the open list.  I
personally send many more responses privately to the originator than to
the open list, so I like the mgs list method.


Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA

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