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Filter Thread

Subject: Filter Thread
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 22:34:50 -0400 (EDT)
Yes Barney I read it too, and I was just wondering one thing.  You mentioned
that there was a time when you used non detergent oil.  Could you elaborate
on this just a little?  Was there a time that non detergent was the oil to
use?  Or maybe there was another reason you used it. (cheap?)


Barney said:
<<<<HOWEVER, many years ago when I used the original cotton/felt filter
elements and really cheap (recycled) nondetergent engine oil, the filter
would look particularly well gummed up with only 2000 miles between oil
and filter changes.  Maybe the factory had a good idea with the relief
valve in the filter head in those days.  The newer detergent oils are
much, MUCH better in that respect.  I've never had a dirty engine or
dirty filter using modern oils.>>>>

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