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FW: Help, I goofed

To: mgs
Subject: FW: Help, I goofed
From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb>
Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 16:51:51 -0600 (MDT)
[BOUNCE mgs@Autox.Team.Net:  Admin request: /^subject:\s*help\b/i]

     Date: Sun, 27 Apr 97 21:09:08 UT
     From: "Wade Shanley" <>
     Subject: Help, I goofed

Here's the situation, I removed the propeller shaft on my MGB and had the 
U-Joints replaced.  Before removing the shaft I made some markings on the 
flanges so that I could be sure to reconnect in the same as I removed.  I must 
not have made the markings clear enough...when I got the shaft back from the 
shop with the new U-Joints, I could not get the markings to line up properly.  
Now when I have the car running and in neutral, I get a nasty metal on metal 
intermitent grinding sound coming from the gear box.  I fear I've made a big 
mistake and I'm at a loss to as to how to fix this.  Should I cut my losses 
and take this to the shop??  

Wade Shanley

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