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Re: Starting a rebuilt MGA 1500 (Continued) - Getting Oil Pressure

Subject: Re: Starting a rebuilt MGA 1500 (Continued) - Getting Oil Pressure
From: Bud Krueger <>
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 22:39:27 -0400 wrote:
  I now have the next challenge - getting oil pressure.  I am having

>      When I rebuilt the engine (acutally had the short block
> professionally
> rebuilt and I put on the assessories, such as the oil pump), I packed
> the new
> oil pump with white lithium grease to hopefully aid in the priming.
> not have put lithium grease into the new oil pump when I put it into
> the
> engine.
>      Anyway, as one can see, I need help...
>      Thanks in advance...
>      Joe Ratigan
>      58 Roadster that really wants to run, if it only could

        It's a common procedure to pack the oil pump gears with Vaseline
PETROLEUM Jelly for help in getting the oil pressure up. This avoids
compressible air pockets by filling them with a substance that is
soluble in oil. I've never heard of using lithium grease. My world is
the TD, I'm totally ignorant of MGA's, but isn't there some sort of
priming plug such as is on the late XPAG engines? One of the listers
recently described a system that 'back-filled' oil under pressure. Check
the posts of the past couple of weeks. I'm certain that some of the MGA
wonder folks can help you. Good luck.

Bud Krueger

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