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Re: Dremel Tool

To: "'MG List'" <>
Subject: Re: Dremel Tool
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 1997 20:09:34 -0500
That's a damn good idea, Carol. Those things are handy for all kinds of =
stuff...I could have used one the other day for my biannual de-rust and =
paint of my steel (aftermarket custom job) pipes on the Tahoe! Yeah =
that's right, rumbling black macho gas hog of a monster truck. ;)=20
>From the sound of it, they're pretty durable little suckers. I might =
just have to go scour the Pawn Shops for one! Betcha I can find one for =
about $15 bucks? If not, its always good to drop hints to everyone for =
Christmas, right? December 25th is right around the corner!

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