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Re: Mobil posters

To: "Eric R. Stephen" <>
Subject: Re: Mobil posters
From: Art Pfenninger <ch155@FreeNet.Buffalo.EDU>
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 10:33:30 -0500 (EST)
        Did the same thing but am still waiting for a reply from them. As
it turns out on my quest for one I found a station last night. I have to
talk with the manager Monday. THe best part is that the MGA is the same
color as mine!

On Fri, 9 Jan 1998, Eric R. Stephen wrote:

> ************************************
> Nory:
> Being a Canuk and therefor with no access to a Mobil I took matters into
> my own hands and contacted Mobil customer relations.  They provided a pair
> of the small and large posters.  They look great!
> Eric
> >My local Mobil station hasn't taken them down yet.  I pass by daily and
> >check in often, so they don't forget I want them.  They don't have the
> >big one though.
> <snip>
> --
>          ' ' '          Great is the truth and mighty above all things;
>       (  o   o )        It endureth and is always strong;
> <---ooO---(_)---Ooo---> It liveth and conquereth for ever more.
> 1960 MGA Roadster       The more thou searchest, the more thou shalt marvel. 

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