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Re: Ozone conspiracy

To: Bill Eastman <>
Subject: Re: Ozone conspiracy
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 1998 13:43:48 -0400
At 10:14 AM 6/16/98 -0500, you wrote:
>I think that a lot of these causes are self fulfilling due to the structure
>for research.  The government pays for important research so everything is
>gloom and doom.  If the researcher were to prove it is no big deal, look
>how many people would be out of jobs and how many world famous experts
>would be teaching junior high science.  Most of these causes have more to
>do with making money than they do with making our environment safe.  My
>opinion FWIW.

Funny... just yesterday I read that there were reports that the hole in the
ozone layer in the South Pole area was getting smaller, according to the
scientific reports.  Tree huggin' hippies everywhere ran in circles
proclaiming it couldn't be true and that the tests would have to be done
again... and this time, you can bet that a different point of reference
will be found, and the situation will be much worse.

'62 MGA 1600 MkII

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