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Re: '70 MGB GT - U-Joints & Driveshaft

To: Gary Davis <>
Subject: Re: '70 MGB GT - U-Joints & Driveshaft
From: Art Pfenninger <ch155@FreeNet.Buffalo.EDU>
Date: Wed, 5 Aug 1998 19:44:21 -0400 (EDT)
        There should be very little play, if you can turn it say 1/2" then
you've got a problem. My guess would be the thrust washers in your rear
end. There is a book that goes into detail on how to change these washers,
it might be the Lindsay Porter one, I could look if no one else knows.

On Tue, 4 Aug 1998, Gary Davis wrote:

> How much "play" should there be in the driveshaft u-joints?  
> Should you be able to turn the driveshaft with your hand?  If so, how
> much is acceptable?  If not, what could be allowing it to turn?
> Thanks as always - Gary Davis

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