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Re: La merde du Hamsters

Subject: Re: La merde du Hamsters
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 21:34:17 EST
On Tue, 12 Jan 1999 12:33:59 -0600 "Robert Allen" <>
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Hans Duinhoven <>
>>I had "goop" in my Citroen 2CV, which was air cooled.
>>So goop not always indicates water leakage into the cylinders....
>Didn't we promise to stay 'on topic' in '99? Mr. Sylvain has witnessed 
>which Mr. Alexander correctly identified as a water / coolant problem. 
>any of that relates to French hamster excrement is beyond me.
>Bob Allen, Kansas City
>"Yes, Mark did make me List Nazi this month."
I certainly made no such promise......I looked up hamster in the
french/english dictionary that saw me through 5 years of the tongue at
Quelle horreur!! - the word is not listed...
it did have "haddock"(aiglefin) "hammer"(marteau) and
but not hamster..... so i tried Guinea pig...(cochon d'Inde) which i
guess is what was menat - the excrement of haddocks being peculiar ti
"MG" didnt make it either - no wonder i didnt do well at this at school
but in case you were wondering "macaroon" is"macaroon" in french!!

mike robson
69 cheminster
70 Bay Jay Tay
53 Siegle Feuille (Rye Leaf was as close as i could get!)

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