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Re: The MG gods are vengfull

To: <>
Subject: Re: The MG gods are vengfull
From: "Neil Cotty" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 13:50:48 +1000
Showing my true colours - in the best possible humour, so don't take
offence.. :)) Simply put - Rick is right. <G>

The TRash7, aka 'The rotten wedge', spelt the end of MG as we knew it (well
blame that exec. at BL, a Tri**ph fan, behind that decision and many
others.) So Charlie, I can't figure out how you could live with yourself if
you bought one and parked it next to your MG. ;) Besides, the next morning I
think you might find one dead TR, a spreading pool of oil underneath it, and
one beaming MG.. <VBG> You forget your car is posessed by Lucas <G>. lol!

Neil. (who says Healey's are ok coz a lot of them were assembled at Abingdon
by MG people.. <G>)

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