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Re: Shipping an MGB Hardtop

To: ( (Paul Nelson),
Subject: Re: Shipping an MGB Hardtop
From: John Walker <>
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 09:10:47 -0700
Hey Paul,

An item of that size will probably have to be shipped truck freight
by a company like Redaway.  This will not be cheap.
I work for an electrical contractor who receives many shipments per
week form back east via this method of shipping and I can tell you that
the freight invoices that we see are never less than US$100.
If anybody knows of a cheaper way to ship an item the size of a hard top
I would be interested in hearing it.


At 09:01 AM 9/2/99 -0700, wrote:
>        I've got a SnugTop hardtop on ebay approaching the end of the
>auction and I had assumed that UPS would ship it for some price, but it
>seems to be too big.  Does anyone know how or who to ship a hardtop with
>across the country (possibly)?
>Paul Nelson
>"The Church says that the Earth is flat, but I know that it is round,
>for I have seen its shadow on the moon, and I have more faith in a
>shadow than in the Church."           --Ferdinand Magellan

        John Walker
~= Early 1974 MGB =~
       In Progress :)

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