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MGA floorboards

Subject: MGA floorboards
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 14:10:31 -0600
     I realize he is on the wrong continent as far as you're concerned, but 
     Todd Clarke in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, sells full-size paper 
     patterns of the floorboards if yours are too far gone to use for that 
     purpose. I think they were about US$20. They also show the locations 
     for the holes that secure the seat rails. The original hardware for 
     the seat rails involved `T-bolts,' these unique threaded, flanged 
     sleeves inserted from the underside of the boards that accepted 
     fine-thread hex bolts; Todd sells kits of the proper bolts and 
     T-bolts, washers, etc., as well as the floorboard bolts and 
     accompanying broad, thin washers. As I recall, the floorboard bolts 
     also secure the sheet metal of the tunnel to the floorboard rails ...
     Clarke Spares & Restorations
      90 West Swamp Road
      Dolestown, PA 18901
      Tel: (215) 348-0595
      Fax: (215) 348-4168 
     Even using the patterns, you should expect to do a bit of 
     rasping/chiseling and swearing to get them to fit, especially around 
     the handbrake fitting. If I were doing it over, I might just buy the 
     durn things from Moss. But I imagine you'd still have to rasp and 
     Andy Badeker
     MGA 1600 coupe

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