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Re: MG list is for those of us who are helping each other with MG questi

To: "Tim Economu" <Economu@Whidbey.Com>
Subject: Re: MG list is for those of us who are helping each other with MG questions
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 10:14:19 -0500

I've been part of this list for about 5 years now and although I've been
rather inactive over the last few months, it is, in MMHO, bigger than just
MGs - it's an experience with a community of folks who have a common bond.
We always go through these cycles of material and content such as SUVs,
cats, Frank Zappa, beer, what size battery (Group 26) fits into the CB Bs
and whether the drive shaft should be disconnected before towing (even
what's an appropriate tip for the tow truck driver - eh Dave!).  Along the
way, we learn about each other and the LBCs we are all, some would say, too
fond of.  The point is that it comes together as a package.  To separate
out the parts is probably not only futile but will, in all likelihood,
destroy the essence of what makes this list such an enjoyable experience.
So please, don't be so uptight about stuff you think is off topic.  As with
other cycles on this list, it comes and goes including the admonishments
about off topic material such as that which you posted.  And I'm not being
holier than thou - I'm just giving my perspective on the longitudinal big
picture here.  Anyway, let's just assume that you are not some weirdo anal
control freak trying to dictate list content - my advise - get to know your
delete key, relax, go with the flow and enjoy the experience.

Faithfully yours in all things MG (no matter how remotely related),

Dr. Doug

PS - I'm on the digest so if anyone has already mentioned this to you,
never mind.

Part of the cycle always include a few knuckleheads

                    "Tim Economu"                                               
                    <Economu@Whid        To:     <Douglas_Russell@Nyc.Yr.Com>   
                    bey.Com>             cc:                                    
                                         Subject:     MG list is for those of 
us who are helping each other    
                    03/23/00             with MG questions                      
                    08:44 PM                                                    

Please take the SUV drivel off line. This is the MG list please.

Kind regards,

Tim Economu
Senior Design Engineer
Offgrid Engineering
4131 Springwater Rd
Clinton, WA 98236
FAX 360-579-7498
Phone 360-579-2117

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