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Re: Joke; no LBC content

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Joke; no LBC content
From: "Paul Hunt" <>
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 20:13:39 +0100
Like it!

In the UK we had a series of court cases involving groups of people that
came to be known as things like "the Birmingham six", "the Glasgow two" and
the like.  The Irish Prime Minister was visiting France and being shown
around a Renault factory.  On being asked "And what do you think of the
Renault 5?" he replied "I haven't seen the papers but I am sure they are


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 12:32 PM
Subject: Joke; no LBC content

> Its Illegal
>  -----------
>  Five Belgians in an Audi Quattro arrive at the French border.
>  The French Customs agent stops them and tells them: "It's
>  illegal to put 5 people in a Quattro."
>  "Oh, no, Quattro is just the name of the automobile. Look at
>  the papers: this car is designed to carry 5 persons."
>  "You can't pull that one on me," replies the French customs agent.
>  "Quattro means 4!"
>  "Oh, you are so stupid! Call your supervisor over!" "He can't come.
>  He's busy with the 2 guys in the Fiat Uno."

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