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I Don't have Midget Seats?

Subject: I Don't have Midget Seats?
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 00:47:08 EDT
Ok, I have looked though enough parts books by now to notice something 
peculiar about my '78 Midget-I do not think I have stock Midget seats. From 
what I have seen, all 70's Midgets have seats that feature a series of 
in-sewn rectangles running through the middle of the seat cushion and top. 
Mine does not. Instead, my seat, in black vinyl, simply has a series of 
simple, vertical in-sewn stripes running up and down. If memory serves me 
correctly, the MGB's at the time had breathable vinyl seats. So, my question 
is, are my seats authentic MIdget seats, or if not, why does my Midget bear 
this seat design?

Any suggestions here?

78 Midget

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