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Re: OD

To: David Deutsch <>
Subject: Re: OD
From: Charley & Peggy Robinson <>
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 05:42:42 -0500
Hi Dave,

  According to that logic, my OD shouldn't work.  It does.  Also, I ran
Castrol 20W-50 detergent oil in the OD I had before for over five years,
never had a problem with it.  As far as I know, nothing succeeds like
success. ;^)

  Anyway, where did you get that foaming info?  I'd like to look it up.



David Deutsch wrote:
> Reason for non-detergent oil use in tranny is that it doesn't foam up
> under high pressure cirulation like the detergent oil will.
> Safety Fast,
> David Deutsch
> PS: Charley, if your towing your car with driveshaft in and running
> detergent oil in the overdrive.............YIKES!!!! :-)
> Charley & Peggy Robinson wrote:
> > Paul,
> >
> >   I never did see a reasonable explanation of why one should use
> > non-detergent oil in the L de N, MGB overdrive.  The driver's handbook
> > in my Bentley manual makes no such distinction.
> >
> >   CR

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