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Re: Good Listers! (When a deal comes together!)

To: BMack <>
Subject: Re: Good Listers! (When a deal comes together!)
From: Stuart MacMillan <>
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 20:10:11 -0800

Well, it was a beautiful day for a drive here in the Northwest, and I'm
cheap.  I filled up with $25 worth of gas after the trip, and that is
about $15 less than the shipping would have been.  The blast cabinet was
an added bonus!

When I got home your check was waiting, and I have torn it up.  The
normally gruff customs inspector got a good chuckle out of the big,
dusty box I had in the back and didn't see any need to hassle me for any

I'm on several lists and have made several transactions that have been
uniformly positive, and it is always a pleasure to meet other
listees--you know you will have something in common!

I enjoyed meeting you as well Bryce, and I'm looking forward to the next
time we get together, I'll have more questions for you!

And, anyone who is looking for someone to finish that stalled LBC
restoration project would do well to call Bryce before abandoning it all
together, as so many do.  Bryce is a true metalworking craftsman, and I
got lots of good tips.  If I were a rich man I'd ship him all three of
my projects!


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