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Re: Weather... or not!

Subject: Re: Weather... or not!
From: Eric <>
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 02:02:51 +0610 wrote:
> In a message dated 1/3/01 8:27:17 AM, writes:
> << Oh yeah? Well, we'll getcha back in six months or so. ;^) >>
> Actually, we won't.  A nasty winter for Eric is to look up at the 
> "mountains" and see a little white in the morning.  It is a very top-
> down continent.

Sorry again, guys, but snow here is a once in every ten year thing -
although I think it has happened twice in the past six years.  But I
would hardly call it snow even though I managed a few photos of white
stuff on the ground.  

It generally lasts a few hours if we are lucky and then it is gone for
another few years.

As I may have mentioned more than a few times before, my 'B is now
semi-permanently topless since I fitted the 'officially approved'
rollbar.  The bar must be 60mm (hmm a couple of inches?) above the top
of my helmet when I am 'strapped in' (that is bolt upright), and so with
the height and the diagonal back braces blocking the operation of the
midfold top frame, it is no roof for me.

I am looking at putting some 'racing' seats in the car (I have stock low
back seats now and my neck aches after a race) which would sit me down
lower, but the rollbar is in there now so the $400 investment stays and
the roof remains in storage.

Thank god for little rain.  And to answer the oft put question... "but
what happens when it rains" I have my stock answer... "I get wet":-)

in one of the driest places on Earth.

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