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Re: Head swap tonight + L.Porter book bought

To: MG List <>
Subject: Re: Head swap tonight + L.Porter book bought
From: Max Heim <>
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 10:10:27 -0700
Actually, your 78 B engine was painted black from the factory. Earlier
models were a sort of dull maroon. None of them were ever a "nice red".
Sorry  :-(

(of course you are free to come up with any color you please on your own

on 4/10/01 7:02 AM, scott beavis at wrote:
> Tonight I plan to do the head swap on our MG (1978 BGT). I have refitted the
> valves and everything looks lovely and shiny. Does anyone know what colour
> the head/block is supposed to be for an 1800 B series? The block/head was
> black (no, black *paint*! not just grime!), but does show hints that there
> was once red paint underneath (why someone would paint a nice red engine
> black I don't know!). I want to restore it back to nice gloss red engine
> laquer, and have already given the (chemically dipped) head two coats. I
> will try to splodge some paint here and there on the block when I have got
> the head off. The engine will be coming out within the next year anyway, so
> I'll do a proper block strip and re-paint then. I will also try to spray
> some red VHT onto the exhaust manifold. It looks a rusty mess at the moment.


Max Heim
'66 MGB GHN3L76149
If you're near Mountain View, CA,
it's the red one with the silver bootlid.

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