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Re: Phosphoric Acid cleaning, was Re: Fused circuits &

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Phosphoric Acid cleaning, was Re: Fused circuits &
From: "Jeff Fayne" <>
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 09:08:52 -0500
> In a message dated 5/17/01 7:41:37 AM, writes:
> << Eagle brand Mag Cleaner still contains Phosphoric Acid and cleans wire
> wheels quite nicely (as well as my wife's Maxima's prone to brake dust
> wheels). Caution is advised on painted surfaces, but I've had no problems
> the Dunlops I bought a few years ago >>
> Question:  My wires are painted.  Is this a problem?
> Jay Donoghue
> 72B
> 72B-GT
> 66 Mustang

As are mine. I suggest you try it in small non-noticeable spot, such as on
the inside of the rim. If you don't notice any spotting, discoloration or
paint removal, then you should be ok. I wouldn't leave it soaked on for a
long time, in either case. I wet mine first, spray on a good quantity and
then immediately rinse with clean water within 30 seconds.

I would be careful not to get overspray on the body or surrounding area.

Good luck,


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