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Re: Overdrive problem

Subject: Re: Overdrive problem
From: Bob Howard <>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 08:16:11 -0500
  From what you said on Sunday, I suspect that the problem is in that
switch or in its wiring. "Gently twisted top of knob" and it disengaged. 
Look for a strand of wire that has escaped the insulation, or is poking
out of a crimped fitting, or something that could be making electric
contact in that area. could be the switch itself.

On Sun, 24 Mar 2002 11:25:53 -0800 James Schulte <>
> Listers including  Bob and Dave,
> Played with the switch on the gear shift knob today.  I took it off 
> and
> inspected the switch and connections.  Didn't see any obvious 
> problems.
> Re-assembled switch and went for ride.  Shifted into O/D and tried 
> to switch
> out.  Still didn't not dis-engage O/D.  Hmmm what to do.  I gently 
> twisted
> the the top of the knob just playing around.  The O/D disengaged.  
> Weird, ok,
> tried O/D again and  switch out.  No luck, twisted knob ever so 
> slightly,
> bingo, disengaged.  So, I'm going to try and crimp the contacts 
> better and
> put di-electric on them.   Any other thoughts?
> Jim
> 78B
> 70B
> seeking MGCGT after I sell my 78B

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