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Re: MGB Battery question-what choices?

Subject: Re: MGB Battery question-what choices?
From: "Andrew B. Lundgren" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 19:26:56 -0600 wrote:

>Hi Listers: Today I went shopping for a battery/batteries for my 1974 MGB. 
>The new harness is installed and I am ready to start testing to see what screw 
>ups I did.
>Anyway. I can get two 6 volt Interstate "made to fit" for $140.00, or one of 
>the new dry cell (very small) 12 volt for the same price.
>I could not locate a "group 28", which I think was what some of you have 
>purchased instead of the above.
>Can you share some thoughts and experiences with me?

It is a group 26 that you are looking for IIRC.  It has been a while 
since I bought mine, but I got it at walmart...


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