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Re: Fw: Paul Root, Black Tulip was Doug Powers ...

To: Paul Root <>,
Subject: Re: Fw: Paul Root, Black Tulip was Doug Powers ...
From: David Councill <>
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2003 08:33:44 -0700
I'd go with "Homeland Security", that is the ultimate in US conspiracy 
theories isn't it?

But as Paul Hunt mentions, black tulip is a tough color to photograph. I 
have tried to picture mine again. Actually I took these pictures to show a 
dream realized - pictures of my garage. Three stalls, all filled with MGs. 
Life doesn't get much better.

David Councill
67 BGT
72 B
65 B (son's car, in the welding phase)

At 08:39 AM 10/29/2003 -0600, Paul Root wrote:
>That really annoys me. As I'm the sendmail guru. I suppose it possible 
>could have been a time that horton, the main server was rebooting or 
>something, and the backup mail server picked it up. Grr.
>I'd go with the conspiracy theory. :-)
>Nice looking pictures. Thanks, Paul!
>Of course, I still can't decide, I guess it's a good thing my body in such 
>bad shape. :-(
>Black Tulip, or Miata Sapphire blue mica, from the limited edition 2 years 
>ago are the top contenders.
>Telewest (PH) wrote:
>>I sent the following reply directly to Paul Root but it was bounced die to
>>"A configuration error in the e-mail system caused the message to bounce
>>between two servers or to be forwarded between two recipients."  All the
>>more odd since the original reply to Doug Powers has also been bounced.  Is
>>this a mail server conspiracy against Black Tulip?

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